Slow Works consist of designer, Benthe Boesen, and graphic designer, Troels Schwarz.
Benthe is from the Design School of Kolding. She believes that less says more and through insight and intuition creates designs for likeminded, who consciously live a simple and balanced life.
Troels is from the “Den Grafiske Højskole”. He strives to challenge common beliefs and he believes in simple creative concepts with an expression that leaves an impression.
They moved from Copenhagen to Klitmøller nine years ago. They live there with their two daughters, Rosa, 7, and Silje, 10, and their dog, Fie.
What drives you as individuals?
We live in a culture of constant race to achieve an infinite list of things to do and all at once. But we strive to do the opposite. We believe in slowing down to sense and comprehend our surroundings better.
We believe in having control of our own time.
What do you think about how our culture has become so fast paced?
There is nothing wrong with speed – as long as it is not always. We can be busy as well, but we take time to create simple design in collaboration with local manufactures and craftsmen – with an eye for the details. We quilt, sow, print and colour by hand most of the fabrics that we use in our own studio or backyard. This gives each design a unique look, colour and finish. This is all without compromising our ideals. We take the time it takes.

You state on your site that you have chosen to slow down – what do you mean by that?
We have chosen to live in Klitmøller and design things, which are made my hand and local. It takes times and demands dedication – and that may be our revolution against the fast paced.
To us, slowing down, is a question about time and the prioritising of time. We have a basic wish to balance our time between work, family, and friends and leisure. Klitmøller and Slow Works have become our place to strive for the simple life. Slowing down, to us, is also about using the local area during work and off work. A lot of good solutions are made workwise in collaboration with local craftsmen. We give ourselves time for the process and the development. We also use the local area for leisure.
The sea and the life around the sea is our playground. We meet there and have dinner with friends, we surf and we do yoga by the sea. This gives us space, space for the soul – and it allows us to slow down and among other things take the time necessary to create our design as wish.
It seems like you have a close bound with the ocean. How would you describe it?
We are all attracted by the ocean. It is the calm, sound, light and wild coarseness. The North Sea is very fascinating – never two days of the same. There is very far to the sky at the ocean – there is really space for the soul.

How did you decide to make a fashion brand?
We’d rather not call it a fashion brand, but a design brand. It may be natural that we create clothes and prints for the wall, but the starting point has always been to create an expression somewhere between our skillsets – Benthe’s skills as clothing and textile designing and Troels’ skills as graphic designer.

What ideals do you follow? And what do they mean to you?
We believe that work should be implemented into our lives among many other factors that are critical for the experiences, which makes life worth living.
We can have our lifestyle in Klitmøller surrounded by the sea, surfing, yoga and design in relaxed communities with family and friends. That being our life philosophy, Klitmøller has become our base for realisation in a colony of creative likeminded.

What does the simple life mean to you?
Moving to Klitmøller is maybe our own little revolution against the demands, changeability and fast pace of the city. It was not right for us anymore. In retrospect, we’ve probably always known that it should be like this, just not that it was Klitmøller we were looking for. It might have been about removing the tempo. If time is something you take, then take it. It is the revolution we got going and it fits perfect to Klitmøller as the town is built on surfing and factors that cannot be controlled. You surf whenever there are waves – that’s it. You can’t be on all the time. It seems a little hippie-ish and it may just be.
Why did you decide to move from Copenhagen to Klitmøller? Such different parts of the country.
We were offered a rather big apartment at Nørrebro, Copenhagen, with a view of the lakes, at the time we lived there. It was a great offer and a great place, but it just wasn’t what we were seeking. We had just become parents and paving stones in the yard were not right for us. People were shaking their heads when we told them that we weren’t going to take it. It ended up in a brave and very spontaneous decision, Klitmøller. Most od they didn’t get it at the time.

It seems like you put a great effort in showing people how the process in making the clothes. Why is this important to you?
We want to give our customers an insight of the long and time demanding process our products have been through. We want to show that they are not just things you buy, but hundreds of hours experimenting and failures. You buy days, weeks and months of frustration and pure happiness. You buy some of our time and a part of our lives.
What material do you use for your clothing and why?
We use 100% natural materials as it can be used with natural colouring as indigo. Right now, we are using 100% merino wool, 100% cotton will and cotton flamé jersey.

For people who haven’t visited Klitmøller yet, what should they visit?
You definitely have to go to the ocean as the first thing.
If you’re hungry:
Hanstholm Madbar – They serve food they like themselves. No gourmet or fine dining – real cooking, relaxed settings, humour, happiness and lots of love. It’s in Hanstholm, but definitely worth a visit.
Kesses Hus – Pancakes! Healthy and everything is homemade. They are sweet, yet you can still have them as the main course.
Nordic Surf Café – Brunch, burgers and a lot more that can be enjoyed prior and after your surfing session
Chrissy No 6 – Food truck with a stone oven. Chrissy makes fresh grilled shellfish with homemade focaccia, that can be eaten in the sand dunes.
And if you wish to surf:
Bugten (The Bay) – A sand bank that’s always moving. A good spot for beginners when the waves are small. But as the waves grow it becomes more of a hole with a big shore break.
Revet (The Reef) – This surf spot has gotten its name from a reef placed in front of the local surf club in Klitmøller. Big stones and mussels keeps the reef together and creates a foundation for consistent waves. Probably the most popular surf spot in Klitmøller.
If you want something to bring with you home:
Klitmøller Collective – Clothing brand from Klitmøller and inspired by the lifestyle of the North Sea and the harsh nature. It contains elements of old fishermen sweaters and the relaxed lifestyle of the surfers.
West Wind Klitmøller & Cold Hawaii Board shop – For the surfers in need of some new gear.
If you have to work:
Cowork Klitmøller – a co-working space for habitants and visitors of Klitmøller, where the common factors of the users are the ocean and surfing, light and nature and not least the culture of the people in Klitmøller and Thy.